Network transceiver modules
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Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-DEL Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-DEL network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm Dell compatible (407-BBOZ), 40G, QSFP+, 850nm, 150M Transceiver, MTP/MPO Connector for MMF with DDMI € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-EXT Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-EXT network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm QSFP+, 40 G, 150 m, MTP/MPO, MMF, f/ Extreme € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-H3C Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-H3C network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm HP / H3C compatible, QSFP+, 40G, 850nm, 150M, MTP/MPO, MMF € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-HUA Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-HUA network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm Huawei compatible, QSFP+, 40G, 850nm, 150M, MTP/MPO, MMF € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-JUN Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-JUN network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm QSFP+, 40 G, 150 m, MTP/MPO, MMF, f/ Juniper € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-MEL Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-MEL network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm Melanox compatible 40G, QSFP+, 850nm, 150M Transceiver, MTP/MPO Connector for MMF with DDMI € 807.46
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-MER Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-MER network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm Meraki compatible (MA-QSFP-40G-SR4), 40G, QSFP+, 850nm, 150M Transceiver, MTP/MPO Connector for MMF with DDMI € 1,008.51
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-NET Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-NET network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm Netgear compatible 40G, QSFP+, 850nm, 150M Transceiver, MTP/MPO Connector for MMF with DDMI € 635,668.80
Product code QSFP-40G-SR4-PLU Plusoptic QSFP-40G-SR4-PLU network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 850 nm PlusOptic, QSFP+, 40G, 850nm, 150M, MTP/MPO, MMF € 807.46
Product code QSFP-4X10-LR-CIS Plusoptic QSFP-4X10-LR-CIS network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 1310 nm Cisco compatible 40G, QSFP+, 1310nm, 10KM, MPO € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP-4X10-LR-HP Plusoptic QSFP-4X10-LR-HP network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 1310 nm HP compatible 40G, QSFP+, 1310nm, 10KM, MPO € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP-4X10-LR-JUN Plusoptic QSFP-4X10-LR-JUN network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 1310 nm Juniper compatible 40G, QSFP+, 1310nm, 10KM, MPO € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP-4X10-LR-PLU Plusoptic QSFP-4X10-LR-PLU network transceiver module Fiber optic 40000 Mbit/s QSFP+ 1310 nm PlusOptic compatible, 40G, QSFP+, 1310nm, 10KM, MPO € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP28-ER4-ARI Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-ARI network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Arista compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-BRO Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-BRO network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Brocade compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-CIS Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-CIS network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Cisco compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-DEL Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-DEL network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Dell compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-HP Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-HP network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm HP/Aruba compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-HUA Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-HUA network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Huawei compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-JUN Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-JUN network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Juniper compatible, 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-ER4-PLU Plusoptic QSFP28-ER4-PLU network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 40KM, LC € 55,511.34
Product code QSFP28-LR4-ARI Plusoptic QSFP28-LR4-ARI network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Arista compatible 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 10KM Transceiver, LC Connector for SMF € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP28-LR4-BRO Plusoptic QSFP28-LR4-BRO network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Brocade compatible 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 10KM Transceiver, LC Connector for SMF € 13,877.81
Product code QSFP28-LR4-CIS Plusoptic QSFP28-LR4-CIS network transceiver module Fiber optic 100000 Mbit/s 1310 nm Cisco compatible (QSFP-100G-LR4-S), 100G, QSFP28, 1310nm, 10KM Transceiver, LC Connector for SMF € 13,877.81